The Plus Workflow is a high-tech, secure tool for business process management and workflow of documents of a BPMN class. Thanks to the flexibility and configuration options, the Plus Workflow is used in various companies, regardless of their size. Moreover, the system is highly intuitive, as its main task is to automate the company’s processes and minimize employees’ interference. Also, the system is available in multiple language versions. Among many functionalities, it is essential to list the most important ones:
✓ the graphic interface for process designing,
✓ possibility of implementing serial, parallel and nested processes,
✓ calendar,
✓ reflection of the organizational structure,
✓ access to an individual task inbox,
✓ access via any web browser,
✓ tracking the process during its execution and the possibility of dynamic configuration,
✓ integrated electronic archive,
✓ a full analytical interface with the statistics, predefined users’ profiles, different language versions,
✓ a full history of the completed processes.
A complex system for the workflow of documents in a company
The Plus Workflow is a comprehensive solution enabling the management of business processes and, as a result, all the enterprises’ documentation in terms of their electronic workflow, scanning, and electronic archiving. The Plus Workflow is a server system, so all the users obtain access to it via a selected web browser. The innovative Workflow systems enable a more efficient workflow of documents among the employees, thus increasing teamwork efficiency. The Plus Workflow document and business processes management system is an advanced, modern, flexible, and secure IT system for the electronic workflow of documents. What is most important, the system possesses many functionalities.

The Plus Workflow – application areas

The workflow of purchase requisitions:
✓ management process of internal purchase requisitions of a company;
✓ the ordering process for suppliers;
✓ record of purchase documents and fixed assets;
✓ tendering process;
✓ supplier management (supplier base, suppliers verification, ranking points assigning);
✓ the registration and approval of acceptance protocols with their inclusion to cost authorization.
The workflow of invoices:
✓ the electronic workflow of cost and warehouse invoices;
✓ the electronic workflow of the accounting documents (e.g. advance payment, policy);
✓ electronic invoices’ management according to the Regulation of the Ministry of Finance from December 18th, 2010;
✓ electronic archive of cost and warehouse invoices;
✓ electronic distribution of sales invoices to contractors;
✓ process of accepting accounting propositions.
Reviewing of contracts:
✓ cost invoices;
✓ sales invoices;
✓ contracts with contractors;
✓ personal files of employees;
✓ organizational documents of a company (ordinances, responsibilities);
✓ ISO 9001 documentation (quality book, procedures, instructions, etc.).
Correspondence workflow:
✓ incoming correspondence distribution;
✓ records of outgoing correspondence;
✓ registration and archiving of documents;
✓ registration and assignment of outgoing and incoming parcels;
✓ generation of lists of received documents;
✓ elimination of lost documents.
Budget planning and control:
✓ the process of management and approval of investment applications;
✓ process of budgets’ defining;
✓ process of controlling the use of budgets.
Holiday requests:
✓ electronic holiday requests;
✓ the process of absence;
✓ the process of employees’ applications.
Settlement of advances and business trips:
✓ process of applying for an advance by employees;
✓ settlement of the advance payment/cash purchase by employees;
✓ settlement of business trips.
Administration and HR:
✓ conference halls booking;
✓ management of traditional archive;
✓ binders management.
A Plus Workflow Editor
A Plus Workflow Editor is a graphical modeling studio of business processes in the Plus Workflow system. Due to this solution, it is possible to build and launch the subsequent document workflows individually, using one of the most popular modeling standards – Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).

The Plus Workflow Editor is a tool intended for the individual development of process models by the Plus Workflow system users in the BPMN notation. A user may autonomously analyze and visualize the process. It is also possible to define particular stages and deploy the objects compatible with the XPDL standard and the BPMN. Moreover, the user, as the business process author, decides about the process workflow in the enterprise, its executors, information workflow, and integration with the external systems.
The Plus Workflow Editor enables designing the appearance of the selected stages – the electronic forms of the Plus Workflow system. For this purpose, the user may select the positions from the available library or add new ones. The Plus Workflow Editor dynamically introduces all the modifications to the preview of the forms. Thanks to this, the user can control the future appearance of the forms on an ongoing basis. Process modeling is quick and easy. Moreover, to eliminate the errors, the system is equipped with prompts, particularly useful for less-advanced users. The tool automatically executes validations, so all the logical errors are detected straight away. The Plus Workflow Editor has been integrated with the Plus Workflow system. The user may also send the modeled process to the system and test it. After the testing phase, there is an option to modify the model to optimize the business process.
The implementation of the Plus Workflow system for the electronic workflow of documents ensures immediate business benefits and fast return on investment.
The most important business benefits include:
✓ lowering the operational costs;
✓ reduction of labor intensity and improvement of business processes;
✓ automation and standardization of the electronic workflow of documents;
✓ coordination over the workflow of documents;
✓ management and control over a large number of various company documents;
✓ ensuring unambiguous and error-free description of documents;
✓ significant increase in the efficiency and quality of work of the Plus Workflow system users;
✓ elimination of activities that do not add value for a client, e.g. waiting for documents, or duplicating activities;
✓ realization of tasks related to the documents, regardless of the user’s location (system available via any web browser);
✓ protection and security of document and business processes;
✓ providing access to suitable information (profiled) for each user;
✓ the possibility to perform a full analysis of the document workflow;
✓ access to documents stored in the built-in, electronic repository.